Your Eyes never Lie
with Lynne Singlewood

Something to think about! Medicine is a science, and science is about data, numbers, and clinical trials, it’s about what can be measured (which is important), but life is much more than facts, its actually full of mystery, wonder and the unknown. So we need to look at all the variables, because you are a unique individual. This is why I love looking at the iris (the coloured portion of the eyes). The iris as mentioned in my previous columns tells us a lot about genetic characteristics and potentials, which have been encoded into your DNA from past generations. One of the features we look at in the iris are the variations of colours. All the different colours in your eyes indicate different potentials, for example there are only three coloured eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes and the mixed colour (meaning there are blue and brown eyes in this individual’s genetic pool). Yes I can hear you thinking “that’s not right, what about green?” Green eyes are a variation of blue eyes with a yellow wash over the top and can indicate that the individual needs to nurture their kidneys.

Think of your kidneys as your battery terminals, “Are your batteries low, are you running on overdrive?” Whether the yellow colouring has come through genetically, or from circumstances during this lifetime, it indicates the need to give the kidney’s a little extra support. Your kidneys can be affected by your emotions and are involved in the cleansing process of the body, they aid in the elimination of toxins, along with the skin, your bowel movements and your breathe i.e. when you breath out carbon dioxide. Here are a few tips to help you support your kidneys. There are some beautiful herbs to nourish the kidneys such as nettle or couch grass: drink adequate amounts of water; too much protein may overload the kidney with nitrogen rich metabolic waste. If kidney problems are suspected, the diet should be low in protein and protein should predominantly be from vegetable sources. Personal hygiene needs to be good, and dietary irritants should be avoided, also avoid excess coffee and tea etc.

Another color we look at is brown, which can be seen as brown spots over the iris like freckles, these may relate to environmental toxins, which could also be seen in another service I provide in clinic such as Hair Tissue Testing. This involves cutting a small sample of hair directly along the scalp (usually from the underneath section of hair) and sending it to a laboratory to be interoperated. Why would we do this you may ask? Well, your hair is a tissue just like all your organs and it can indicate if your body has shunted toxic elements out of your bloodstream and stored them in your tissues. If you had high levels of toxic elements in your tissues, it may affect your nutritional and mineral status which is also tested through this sample of hair, these toxic elements may be found in some water pipes, car exhausts, atmospheric pollutants, cosmetics, cigarette smoke, pesticides, fertilizers, and contaminated seafood, just to name a few.

Certain minerals are antagonistic to toxic elements and can lower levels in the body i.e. if your test came back with high levels of mercury from fish, pre 1980’s vaccines or old dental fillings, you may need to increase consumption of mineral selenium which may help chelate Mercury and lower those levels in your body.

Some of the common toxic elements I see everyday are Cadmium, which may be seen more commonly in mechanics, welders, plumbers and tyre fitters, Mercury, which may be seen in dental technicians, sugar cane workers and petroleum workers. Aluminium may be seen in miners, refinery workers and plumbers. Arsenic may be found in the building industry, concrete workers, landscapers and bore drillers.

Symptoms seen in
relation to these toxic elements:
Lead may affect your concentration, your memory, it may promote irritability or aggression.
Mercury may cause memory loss, nervousness, depression, drowsiness or poor cognitive function.
Arsenic may cause agitation, disorientation, or numbness and inflammation of nerves.
Cadmium may also cause poor cognition function, drowsiness, irritability, anxiety and depression.

What can you do to help?
It is time to start using chemical free products in your home. Not only will you be helping yourself and your family but the planet environmentally. Change is not always easy but we have to start somewhere and every little change you make can have a profound impact on the quality of your life and for all of mankind. Like one drop of water on a calm pond, it can have a ripple effect that travels on and on. Make your own first ripple toward a better and healthier future.

Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and wellbeing. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421 618 792 or email Web site: