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From the Editors

Enza VitaLeo Drioli
   Enza Vita                        
Leo Drioli

Adelaide issue 12 & Sydney issue 5

Living in the Body

"The mind can go in a thousand directions, But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, a gentle wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms."
Thich Nhat Hanh

It's a chilling midwinter day yet the sun shines brightly. The almond blossom has bloomed early this year. The tiny, delicate white buds sing of new beginnings, each blossom shimmering with the fragrance of new hope...a joy-filled delight of being, in this world yet radiating the depths of the Divine through their tiny forms.

What a gift all these forms are, these temporal bodies that house the Spirit of the Eternal. Here we are, existing together in this magnificent celebration we call life, moving ever deeper into the awakening at the core of all being.

This world, filled with all its duality...the pleasure and the pain, is the crucible for the Soul.

In these bodies, we can touch and be touched by the farthest extremes...the deepest, darkest depths to the greatest most exalted heights. In these bodies we can witness both extremes yet we will never be free, truly free until we begin to not only taste but to embody the truth that sits at the heart of both expressions of who and what we really are.

This body-less, formless, nameless beingness - our true essence has no form but it can be realised,  it's  why we're here.

And these bodies are the instruments for this realisation, without them, liberation would not be possible.

Whatever it takes, begin in earnest. Know that it's never too late. If you hear Soul's call to awaken, begin the work. In whatever way it suits...don't waste a moment for this life's opportunity  is rare and precious, we are here to make each moment count.
Kabir minces no words:

"Be strong then,
and enter into your body;
there you have a solid place for your feet.
Think about it carefully:
Don't go off somewhere else!
Kabir says this: just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are."

This issue's theme is "Living in the Body", a timely reminder that we are here for a purpose and to not miss this immense opportunity for awakening.

With love,
Leo and Enza


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