
Personal Mastery


100% Responsibility

Professional Woman    

I recently heard a story that I traced back to the International Breathwork Foundation newsletter that Joe Vitale - featured in The Secret DVD - had told.

Joe tells the story about meeting a Hawaiian psychologist called Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len (ee-ha-lee-AH-ka-la) who was quite remarkable.

Dr Len was asked to take up a position as therapist in the criminally insane ward of the Hawaii State Hospital that had a notorious reputation. The general staff would regularly call in sick and resident psychologists resigned on a monthly basis. The inmates were so dangerous that staff would move through the ward with their backs to the wall, fearful of being attacked by the inmates.

It was a dreadful place to work, live and visit. And the administration was desperate as to what to do.

Dr. Len never saw the patients in person. Everyday, when he went to his office he would pullout an inmates file – read through all the terrible things they had done and then take 100% responsibility for seeing/creating that in his world –seeing it as part of him that was unloved and unhealed. He would then work on himself and as he worked on himself they began to heal. With more research I found out later that Dr Len would only occasionally walk through the facility and if any of the inmates looked depressed – he would go back to that inmates file in his office and work on himself in regard to that inmate some more.

Here is an excerpt from the story Joe told:

“After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely,” Dr Len told me. “Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed. Not only that,” he went on, “But the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.”

When Joe asked Dr Len what he did to cause those people to change so profoundly he answered,

‘I was simply healing the part of me that created them,’ he said. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life… simply because it is in your life, is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.”

Dr Len went on to say that he simply healed that part in him that created them by saying specifically “I’m sorry and I love you” to himself. Yes, that is it. Of course I am not surprised it was that simple – all profound and powerful things are. Before knowing about Dr Len I thought I had been practising 100% responsibility – and this story hit me right between the eyes and opened me up to the extension of the true potency and power of it. I immediately started to apply it in addition to the Forgiveness Keys I practise and teach that also result in miraculous transformations as it is the evoking of a loving thought on our part that ultimately heals anything that is not-love. Since then I have had miraculous shifts taking place in other people and their circumstances around me. Especially with clients who “stay with me” in a disturbing way due to the agony of what they are going through or that seem to be affecting other people quite detrimentally.

100% responsibility for everything in your life even if you do not like it means just that, and when we fully take that responsibility it gives us the freedom and power to change it. Yes, it is confronting at times looking all the things that I see in my world as having everything to do with me – and yet that initial uncomfortableness is transformed the moment I take the next step and say to myself with compassion and forgiveness “I’m sorry (for creating this and thinking it is me) and I love you.”

This story demonstrates to me again that the simple extensions of love to our world and ourselves, transform it miraculously. In the Miraculous Life which we can all experience, we heal with a loving and forgiving thought that embraces and transforms the former judgments of conflict and notlove in our world.

By focusing on what is Real, which is the Love in others and us, we powerfully transform our world and the world of others. A Course in Miracles teaches this too:

“Your (wholeness/love) holiness, then, can remove all pain, can end all sorrow, and can solve all problems.

It can do so in connection with yourself and everything else.”

Julie Way © Julie Way is an Adelaide Rebirther and Personal Development Consultant as well as the author of the books Personal Mastery and Thoughts for a Miraculous Life in which she expands on the above subject. (Available from the author.) She is now writing her third book The Miraculous Life and presents regular evening lectures in Adelaide. See advertisement this issue. She can be contacted on PH. 08-84439162 or for more details.


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