
From the Editors

This moment is pure, real and true.

Right where you are, right now, Truth is. We go searching every which way for It, believing that some day that very special moment will arrive where finally. . .finally we will have come to Truth and we will be set free. That moment in the future doesn’t exist and will never be, if we seek it in any moment other than this.

The search for Truth, for Freedom, for Love is of course a noble search. It’s really the only point in being here in these bodies after all. But only the moment in which we ask ourselves the question “Where is It?” will bare Its own direct realisation as. . . “This very Moment.”

We are totally immersed and surrounded by Truth, within and without. . .everywhere we turn. . .there It is. We taste It in our quiet moments when our thinking subsides enough for It to reveal Itself. . . “Ah,” we go, “Here It is. . .right here, right now,” and we feel the thrill of Its pulsating living presence, knowing. . .absolutely knowing with every fibre of our being that This can never leave us. . .This can never be lost. . . “This is always here,” It quietly whispers.

Yet we do forget. . .at times we still find ourselves abandoned in those hidden places in our minds. Those corners and sometimes even vast chasms of darkness that somehow manage to seduce us back into believing in their actual existence. Mesmerised by the incessant wave of thinking that flows through our heads, we fall victim time and again to the virtual reality side-show of our own making. How much longer must this go on? How much more do we need to continue to suffer?

In this moment we can always stop, and re-awaken to the everpresent Truth before us. All it takes is the willingness to let it all go. . .to stop accepting the thinking as reality. . .to simply realise the imposters that our thoughts truly are, once and for all.

And then we are free.

If we know this, if we have realised this, why then do we continue to settle for the lesser version of reality we so often find ourselves in?

Until we recognise the “who” that’s in here creating all our woes as simply another thought. . .the “who” that’s sitting within our heads so desperately trying to keep the mirage alive for its own sake. Until we realise that the “me” that we think ourselves to be is an imposter. . .until that moment dawns, we will always fall for the lesser worlds of our minds, wondering where Truth is. .again and again. All the awakened teachers have pointed to the fact that the only real obstacle to Truth is that very “me” that we believe ourselves to be. When it goes, we are free.

If you seek to be free, the following simple awakening exercise can help: Each morning when you look in the mirror, look deeply into your eyes and say, “It’s not about me.”

Carrying this awakening seed into the day will offer abundant opportunity for close one-on-one encounters with the many ways the “me-ness” manifests in our day and obscures the everpresent Truth of each moment.

You are here...this is pure, real and true. . .enjoy It.

With love,
Leo and Enza

© 2009 Innerself